Bandon by the Sea
including Coquille
Southern Oregon coast, between Coos Bay and Port Orford.
Go to our Facebook group page for more information. There you can also join the group, and share the page for your business! We'll make FREE links to appropriate Facebook pages as time permits. The OCBN no longer publishes web addresses and phone numbers for free, but low-cost membership is available, which includes links and phone numbers.
~~~~~~~~ A ~~~~~~~~
AC Roofing
AGM & M - logging
A-1 Kitchen and Bath
A-Plus Pest Control
Active Pest Control
Advanced Business Services
Adventure Kayak
All-American Ice Cream
All Coast Hearing
All Terrain Brushing & Mowing
Alternative Youth Activities
American City Cabinet and Woodworking
American Express Financial Advisors (now Ameriprise)
American Home Finders
Ameriprise Financial Advisors (formerly American Express)
Amling-Schroeder Funeral Service
Anchor Real Estate
Angels' Care Adult Foster Home
Arcade Tavern
Ardell's Massage Therapy
Arney Construction
Arriola Brothers - logging
Attractive Touch Nail Salon
Auto Clinic
Avalon Appraisal - real estate appraisal
Avery Plumbing
~~~~~~~~ B ~~~~~~~~
B&C Auto Repair
B&D Trucking - log hauling
B&W Automotive
Backman/Gederos Construction
Bain Insurance Agency
Baltimore Avenue Olde World
Bandon Bait Shop
Bandon Baking & Deli
Bandon Beach House Interior
Bandon Beach Motel
Bandon Beach Riding Stables
Bandon Beach Vacation Rentals
Bandon Boatworks Restaurant
Bandon Bookkeeping Services
Bandon Candy Store
Bandon Card and Gift Shop
Bandon Chamber of Commerce
Bandon Channel House
Bandon Cheese Inc.
Bandon Chiropractic
Bandon City Water Dept.
Bandon Cleaners
Bandon Concrete and Development
Bandon Crossroads Music
Bandon Disposal and Recycling
Bandon Drywall
Bandon Dunes Gallery Restaurant
Bandon Dunes Golf Resort
Bandon by the Dunes Realtee [sic]
Bandon EZ Storage
Bandon Executive Suites
Bandon Fabrication
Bandon Face Rock Golf Course
Bandon Family Dental Care
Bandon Fish Market
Bandon Fisheries
Bandon Fitness Center
Bandon Floral and Gifts
Bandon Golf Supply
Bandon Gourmet - restaurant
Bandon Historical Society Museum
Bandon Inn (formerly Harbor View Motel)
Bandon Liquor Store
Bandon Massage
Bandon Mercantile Company
Bandon Mini Storage
Bandon Ocean Guesthouse Bed & Breakfast
Bandon Organic Growers
Bandon Pacific Inc. - seafood processing
Bandon Pharmacy
Bandon Pizza Lasagna Calzone - restaurant
Bandon Quick Mart
Bandon RV Park
Bandon Rental Center
Bandon Rental and Equipment Repair
Bandon by the Sea Park & Sell
Bandon by the Sea RV Park
Bandon by the Sea Travel
Bandon Senior Activity Center
Bandon Shopping Center
Bandon Stor 'n' Lok
Bandon Submarine Cable Council
Bandon Supply
Bandon Sweets and Treats
Bandon Teen Center
Bandon True Value
Bandon Veterinary Hospital
Bandon Video
Bandon Vision Center
Bandon Wayside Motel
Bandon Well Pump and Septic
Bank of America
Barrow Drug Co.
A Basketful of Dreams
Bass Art Supply
Bay Area Acupuncture
Bay Area Foot Clinic
Bay Cities Ambulance & Medical Supply, Inc.
Beach House Bandon - vacation rental
Beach Loop RV Village
Beach Market - grocery store
Beachcomber Property Management
Bear's Den - gift shop
Beauty Works and Boutique
Becki's Country Kuts - beauty salon
Best Realty Inc.
Best Western Holiday Motel
Bev's Janitorial Service
Big Air Windsurfing
Big Bear Logging
Big Wheel General Store
Bill Grami Photography
Bill Howell Trucking
Bill Sweet Insurance
Bill's Place - pool hall
Billy Smoothboars - restaurant
Bionda's Complete Pest Control
Black, Chapman, Webber, & Stevens - attorneys
Black Horse Boutique
Blue Diamond Nursery
Blue Heron Studio
Blue House - furniture
Blue Sky Tree Topping Service
Bob Crim Insurance
Book Nook
Brass Rose - gift shop
Bree's Breast Health Outreach
Bree's Upscale Resale Clothing Stores (Bree's Foundation)
Brooks' Window Cover-Ups
Brown and Son - septic tanks
By the Sea Gardens - landscaping
~~~~~~~~ C ~~~~~~~~
C Valley Hobbies
C&C Sports - sporting goods
CNW Marketing
CR Gifts and Collectibles
C3 Electrical
Caboose Lady Coffee
Calvin Gederos Construction
Campbell's Glassworks
Donald Canavan - naturopath
Capco - powder coatings manufacturer
Cardas Audio
Carpet Tech
Carquest - auto supply
Central Mini Storage
Century 21 Realty
Chamber of Commerce: Coquille
Chappelle Enterprises - pre-employment screening
Charles Waldrop Real Estate
Chetco Federal Credit Union
China Garden - restaurant
Clyde from Glide Towing
Coast Grower's Supply
Coast Pools and Spas
Coastal Vacation Rentals
Coastline Auto Body
Cobbler's Bench - shoe store
CodeGoodies - web design
Colleen's Country Charm - restaurant
Colt Signs
Coos Bearing Company
Coos County Family Support Office
Coos County Forestry
Coos County Health Department
Coos County Parks Department
Coos County Watermaster
Coos Curry Electric Cooperative
Coos Curry Roofing
Coos Forest Protective Association
Coos Soil & Water Conservation
Coos Watershed Association
Copies Plus
Copper Tree Realty
Coquille Ambulance
Coquille Animal Hospital
Coquille Broiler - restaurant
Coquille Chamber of Commerce
Coquille Chiropractic
Coquille City Public Works
Coquille City Water
Coquille Cyclery and Garden
Coquille Economic Development Corp. (CEDCO)
Coquille High School
Coquille Indian Tribes
Coquille Karate
Coquille Liquor Store
Coquille Medical Offices
Coquille Nutrition Site
Coquille Parks and Recreation
Coquille River Broadcasters
Coquille Sheet Metal
Coquille Smoke Shop
Coquille Supply
Coquille Valley Art Association
Coquille Valley Auto Electric
Coquille Valley Bowling Center
Coquille Valley Fitness Center
Coquille Valley Glass
Coquille Valley Middle School
Coquille Valley Preschool
Coquille Valley Produce Market
Coquille Valley Sentinel
Coquille Vision Center
Coquille Well Drilling
Country Brides
Country Gardens Senior Residence
Cranberry Scoop - online store
Cranberry Sweets and More
Cremation Alternatives
Crow's Nest Lounge and Restaurant
Cuahutemoc Mexican Restaurant
La Cucina Pizza, Pasta, & Deli
Currydale Farms
Curves for Women - fitness
~~~~~~~~ D ~~~~~~~~
Dairy Queen - fast food
Dan Farmer Insurance
Dave's Repair
David Davis Real Estate
David Strain Excavating
Debbie's Hair Station
Dedicated Fuels
Denny's Pizza - restaurant
Dog and Cat Care at Valley View
Donna Crouch Realty
Donna's Country Store - clothing
Double Gioia Continental Tours
Driftwood Motel
Dunshee House at Face Rock - vacation rental
~~~~~~~~ E ~~~~~~~~
Ebb Tide Landscaping and Maintenance
Econo Rooter
Eden Valley Naturals - health food
Edward Jones Investments
Egret Flats Farm & Fiberworks
Elk River Contract Cutting Inc. - tree service
Encore Technical Staffing
Enhanced Data Systems
Eric's Computing Solutions
Espresso Factory Drive-Thru
Eugene Hill Construction
Evans General Contracting
Evergreen Federal - bank
Evergreen Realty
Exclusive Property Management
Exotic Wood
Express Blinds & Beyond
~~~~~~~~ F ~~~~~~~~
FB&G - excavators
Fairy's by the Sea - gift shop
Family Farm - produce producers
Farmers Insurance
Farr's True Value Hardware
Fast Mart
Feathers and Fur Van Lines - pet transporting
Felton Drywall
Fidelity National Title
La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant
Figaro's Italian Kitchen - restaurant
First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon
Forest Green Farm
Forget-Me-Knots Quilt Shop
Richard Fortune - rentals
Four Corners Grocery
Four Seasons - bar
Frank Wickstrom Building
Frank's Flight Service
Fraser's Restaurant
Frazier's Bakery
Fred Dixon Tile
~~~~~~~~ G ~~~~~~~~
G&G Construction
Gar Construction
Garage Door Service
Gary's Marine Engine Service
Gas-Vak Enviromedical - surgical supply
Gateway Financial Services
General Surgeons Office
Gene's Smoke and Snacks
Gibson Graphics
Girl Monday - janitorial service
Goddard Energy Company
Gold Coast Properties
Great Bear Acupuncture
Green Mountain Chipping
Green Scapes - landscaping
Grill Jockeys - restaurant
Grimm's Florist and Greenhouse
Grooming by Tiffany - pet grooming
Grotto Gifts
Guy's Computers & Satellites
Gypsy Wagon - importers
~~~~~~~~ H ~~~~~~~~
H&A Lumber
H&F Custom Boats
Hair Club
Hair Place - salon
Halstead's Equipment Sales
Hampton's Auto Repair
Harbor Lights Middle School
Hardin Optical
Harmony Estates - residential care home
Harris Construction
Haruna Computer Services
Harvard Street Apartments
Hawkeye Tree Service
Heldor Sphere - electronic equipment
Hennick's Home Center
Heritage Place - residential care home
Hernandez and Associates - attorneys
Hidden Treasures Gallery
High Dock Bistro - restaurant
Highway Deli Mart
Hillside Hair and Nail Studio
Hillside Terrace - apartments
Hodge Logging
Hoover Excavating and Trucking
Hydraulic Expediters & Mobile
~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~
ISP 101 Computers
Bryan Ibach - cabinet maker
Ike Parker Corp. - concrete
Industrial Resources
Inn at Old Town - motel
Inner Garden - gifts
~~~~~~~~ J ~~~~~~~~
JD Anderson Construction
J&M Electronics
JW Personnel Services
Jack's Pizza
Jack's Roofing Service
Jackson Direct Wireless
James Forest Product
Jefferson Elementary School
Jennie's Pet Grooming
Jim's Gem - rock shop
Jo De Body Shop
Joel's Lock Shop
John Logan and Associates - geophysicists
Joseph Caspary Construction
Joyce Moore Traveling Scissors - beauty services
Joy's BBQ and Family Dining - restaurant
Judy's New Image - beauty salon
Juul Insurance Agency
~~~~~~~~ K ~~~~~~~~
KBDN - radio station
K&D Auto Body
KLYF - radio station
K&S Dollar Store
KSHR - radio station
Kathy's Klean K-9's - pet grooming
Kathy's Place - beauty salon
Keep It Simple Business Services
Key Shop - locksmith
King Logging
Kiwanis Thrift Store
Klahowya Native American - native items
La Kris Motel Inn
Kristen Higgins Business System
Mike Kurtzbein - tile contractor
~~~~~~~~ L ~~~~~~~~
LA Logging
Lamplighter Motel
Larry's Express Lube
Laurel Grove Pottery
Laverne Park
Lee's Books 'n' Things
Lenora's - clothing alterations
Les Schwab Tire Center
Light Rain Gallery - art
Lighthouse Action Dogs
Lighthouse Auto Wholesale
Lighthouse Bed & Breakfast
Lincoln Elementary School
Lloyd's of Bandon - restaurant
Loan Ranger
Looney Contracting
Lord Bennett's Restaurant
Louis DeCato Evaluation Assoc. - alcoholism treatment
More to come!
QUICK FACTS and LINKS (clicking will open a new window)
Area code: 541 City data 10-Day WEATHER
County: Coos City of Bandon Chamber of Commerce
All Businesses
A listing or membership in the Oregon Coast Business Network does not imply endorsement by OCBN or by Rising Starr Enterprises.
~~~~~~~~ M ~~~~~~~~
Majestic Roofing
Making Faces with Dawn - tattooing
Marca Electric
Marca Trucking and Excavating
Margaret's Place - picture frames
Marino's Boots & Saddles
Marlo Dance Studio Of Bandon
Mary's Herbs - health food
Massage in Bandon - therapeutic massage
Mast Brothers Towing
Matthews and Sons Construction
McKay's Market - grocery
George McNair - landscape designer
McNair's Do It Best Hardware
Medequip Inc. - healthcare equipment
Medi-Cal Adjudication Service
Merriam and Merriam - accountants
Merrill Pest Control
Messerle & Son's - wholesale livestock / transportation
Methane Energy Corp.
Michael Johnson Construction
Mick's Hair Surgeons
Mike's Welding and Fabrication
Milk-E-Way Feed & Trucking
Milt's Wallcovering
Minute Cafe
Mr. Appliance
Misty Meadows Jams
Mobile Animal Hospital
Mobile Ranch Butchering
Moore Mill and Lumber Co.
Lonny Morley - massage therapist
Mother's Natural Grocery
Multi-Use Storage
Mutter's Gutters
My Best Friend's Closet - clothing
Myrtle Grove Funeral Service
Myrtle Lane Motel
Myrtle Veterinary Hospital
~~~~~~~~ N ~~~~~~~~
NAPA - auto parts
Napier Auto Body
Natural Touch - massage
Neat Old Stuff - antiques
Nigh on the River Bed & Breakfast
North Bank Kennel
North Bend Medical Centers
Northwest Country Gift Shop
~~~~~~~~ O ~~~~~~~~
Ocean Crest Elementary School
Ocean Spray Cranberries
Ocean View Care Center of Bandon
Oddity Shop
Oerding Manor - retirement center
Old Town Emporium
101 Plants and Things
Oregon Cedar - lumber
Oregon Coast Business Network - it's where you're at!
The most inclusive directory of Oregon coast businesses
Oregon Cranberry Company
Oregon Cranberry Processors
Oregon Federal Credit Union
Oregon First Community Credit Union
Oregon Mist Cosmetics
Oregon Overseas Timber
Oregon Properties - real estate
Oregon Wrestling Association
Oregonian distributor
Our Angel's Nest - antiques
Our Store - thrift shop
~~~~~~~~ P ~~~~~~~~
PC Gameland
Pacific Blues - clothing
Pacific Gourmet Foods
Pacific Home Care Association
Pacific International Services - guns and gunsmiths
Pacific Koi and Watergardens
Pacific Myrtlewood
Pacific Pines Association
Pacific Threads - embroidery
Painted Frog Productions - graphic design
El Paradiso - restaurant
Party of 4 Entertainment
Pat's Printing
Paulson Concrete
Pet-Stop - grooming
Phillip Harris Construction
Pine Village Apartments
Mark Pinkston - gunsmith
Pioneer Mutual Life
Pioneer Roofing and Construction
Pizzola and Sons Construction
Port of Bandon
Port o' Call - gift shop
Posh Nosh - delicatessen
Prahar Land Planning & Surveying
Precision Plus Engineering
Precision Transmission
Price 'n' Pride - grocery store
Primerica - financial services
Property Panacea
Prosper Road Productions - theater
Prowler Charters
Prudential Seaboard Properties - realty
Public Defenders of SW Oregon
~~~~~~~~ Q ~~~~~~~~
none known
~~~~~~~~ R ~~~~~~~~
R&B's Auto Repair
Radio Shack
Rain Dance Gallery and T-Shirt
Ralph Leshin Construction
Ramcell Inc. of Oregon
RayJen Coffee Company
Raymond Nulf & Associates, Inc. - marine surveyors
Ray's Food Place - groceries
Red's Mobile Washing
Reinhard's Auto
Rhino USA of Oregon - plastics manufacturer
Richard Santos Construction
Rick & Barb's Homestead Bar
Rising Starr Enterprises - web design & digital promotion Voicemail: 541-992-4434
River View Gems and Gifts
River House - antiques
River Outfitter and Trading Post
River Bend Floral and Gift
River's Edge RV Park
Riverview Kennels
Road Fish Enterprises - bait
Robbins Nest - RV park
Robin's Super Shine - auto detail
Rockwell Custom Painting
Romantic Spice - party & event planning
Ron's Oil - gasoline
Roseburg Forest Products
Roxy Beauty Shop
Run-In Mini Mart and Deli
~~~~~~~~ S ~~~~~~~~
SRCA Water District
Safeway - supermarket
St. John's Preschool
Sam Clausen Painting
Samm's Haircare - salon
Sandpiper Instruments - wholesale musical instruments
Santa Fe Financial Services
Sawdust Theatre
Steve Schwam, DDS - dentist
Sea Star Cafe
The Sea Star Guesthouse
Seabird Mini Storage
Seagull Tax Service
Second Street Gallery - art
Senior Citizens Center
Senior Nutrition Meal
Shades of Color Tanning
Shady Lane Cranberries
Shaklee Products Distributor
Sharon's Cut 'n' Curl - salon
Shindler's Pharmacy
Shooting Star Motel
Silver Creek Logging
Skrap E Two - craft supplies
Slice Recovery - lumber manufacturer
Someday Ranch
Sondee's Beauty Salon
South Coast Auto Wrecking
South Coast Blind Cleaning
South Coast Design and Drafting
South Coast Financial
South Coast Hide & Tallow
South Coast Janitorial
South Coast Lawn and Garden Service
South Coast Video
Southern Coos Home Health
Southern Coos Hospital and Health Center
Southwest Physical Therapy
Spirit of Oregon - art dealer
Sprague Community Theatre
State Farm Insurance
Station Gift Shop
Station Restaurant
Steele's Universal Tire
Stephen Bruce Fine Home Building
Sterling Savings Bank
Steve's Auto Parts
Sub Express - fast food
Subway Sandwiches - fast food
Sue's Underthings for Ladies
Sunrise Carpet Cleaning
Sunset Motel
Sunshine Chiropractic Center
Surfer Sands - restaurant
Sweet Construction
~~~~~~~~ T ~~~~~~~~
TDL Sea-Der Shakes - cedar products
Table Rock Motel
Tadd's Restaurant and Lounge
Tea Cosy [sic] - tea room
Tech Support
Ted McNair's RV's & Auto Sales
Ted's Auto Body Service
Terry Drake Construction
Three Gables Restaurant
Ticor Title Insurance
Tidepool Medical Center
Tiffany's Drug - pharmacy
Timber Country Video
Timberline Taxidermy
Timeless Accents - furniture
Todd Powers Plumbing
Trew, Cyphers, & Meynink - attorneys
Tri-County Fence
Truax Towne Pump - gasoline
Tucker Designs - pottery
Twin Firs Inc.
2 Loons Deli - restaurant
Two Winds Tours
~~~~~~~~ U ~~~~~~~~
US Bank
Ujhazi Jane - wholesale food
Umpqua Bank
United Country Real Estate
~~~~~~~~ V ~~~~~~~~
Valley Coffee
Valley View Dog & Cat Day Care - kennel
Variety Villa
Tina Vecera - acupuncturist
Vicki G Hair Salon & Day Spa
Video Hut
Vines Art Glass
~~~~~~~~ W ~~~~~~~~
Wadsworth Garbage Collection
Warren Machine
Washington Preschool
Waterman Automotive and 4x4
Webenet - internet services
Webology - internet services
Wegner and Co. - accountants
West Coast Game Park - walk-through safari
West Investigations Service
Westbrook Land and Timber
Western Research & Development
Western World Newspaper
Westwind Court - adult care facility
Wheelhouse Restaurant
Whisky Run Jewelry
White Bird Enterprises - manufacturing
Whoozit's Whatsits Gadgets - thrift shop
Syd Wiesel - marriage counselor
Wild Rose Bistro
William H. Smith Trucking
Wilson & Dunn Glass Co.
Wilson's Market - grocery store
Windermere on the Beach - motel
Winter Crest Farm
Winter Lake Shingles Mill
Winter River Books
With a Bandon - group tours
Woods of the West - retail
Woof and Warp of Oregon - fabric store
The Wool Company
~~~~~~~~ XYZ ~~~~~~~~
Yates Excavating and Trucking
Yockey Electric
Michael Zanomi - acupuncturist
Zomerschoe Physical Therapy
Zumwalt's Myrtlewood Factory