Port Orford
including Langlois, Denmark, & Sixes
The "Most westerly incorporated city in the contiguous United States."
Go to our Facebook group page for more information. There you can also join the group, and share the page for your business! We'll be making FREE links to appropriate Facebook pages as time permits. The OCBN no longer publishes web address and phone numbers for free, but low-cost membership is available (currently being restructured), which includes links and phone numbers.
~~~~~~~~ A ~~~~~~~~
A&T Myrtlewood
Abbot Enterprises
Ali's Automotive
All Oregon Real Estate
Al's Chevron
Alsace Industrial
Antique Motorcycle and Auto Museum
Architecture by Jennae
Arthur McMahon Construction
Arizona Beach Campground and RV Resort
Arizona Beach Lodge
Art Image
Richard AuFranc - attorney
~~~~~~~~ B ~~~~~~~~
B&B Farm Supply
BC Construction
Bandon Beach Riding Stables
Bank of America
Bartlett's Cafe
Battle Rock Motel
Beachcombers Square Dance Club
Big Air Wind Surf Shop
Blanco School
Blanco West Apartments
Breuer Construction
Briskweb Inc.
Brush Prairie Farms
Budwyn's Custom Shop
Bushnell Evergreens
~~~~~~~~ C ~~~~~~~~
C Valentine Construction
C.A. Smith Realty
C&M Evergreen
CW Home Building
Camp Blanco RV Park
Campbell Realty
Cape Blanco Lighthouse
Castaway by the Sea
Century 21 Realty
Charles Waldrop Real Estate
Chetco Federal Credit Union
Circle K
Coast Candle
Cody's Guide
Cook Gallery
Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative
Coos-Curry Supply Inc.
Crazy Norwegian's Fish and Chips
Creighton Investigations
Creighton Plants and Supplies
Crime Scene Books
Curry County Health Department
Curry Family Medical
Curry Health Foundation
Currydale Farms
~~~~~~~~ D ~~~~~~~~
Dad's Coins, Collectibles and Antiques
Dock Tackle
Domino's Pizza
Dougherty's Dirt Works
Downtown Fun Zone
Duds and Suds - laundromat
~~~~~~~~ E ~~~~~~~~
Easter Lily Research Foundation
Elder Home
Elk River Campground
Elk River Repair
Empress Chinchilla Breeders Cooperative
Estate Landscape & Associates
Evergreen RV Park
~~~~~~~~ F ~~~~~~~~
Face the Wind Contemporary Art
Family Hair Care
Finch's Custom Jewelry
First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon
Five Star Charters
Floras Lake House by the Sea
Floras Lake Windsurfing
Forest Access Inc.
Friends of Cape Blanco
Frog Hollow Blueberry Farm
~~~~~~~~ G ~~~~~~~~
God's Green Earth Nursery and Things
Grand Openings Inc. - wholesale doors
Greasy Spoon Cafe
~~~~~~~~ H ~~~~~~~~
H & H Custom Solutions
Harborside Internet
Kevin Hardesty, DDS - dentist
Hawthorne Studio
Hearth & Home Brick and Chimney
Highway 101 Liquor
Historic Arizona Beach - campground
The Holly House Inn
Home by the Sea Bed & Breakfast
Huffman & Huffman - kitchen cabinets
Humbug Mountain Lodge
~~~~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~
none known
~~~~~~~~ J ~~~~~~~~
JT Dataworks
Jewels by the Sea
The Joan of Arc
John B. Houser Barber Shop
Johnson Gallery
Joseph Brown Woodworking
~~~~~~~~ K ~~~~~~~~
KOA Kampground
Kar Kare Auto Parts
Key'Z Mobile Locksmith Service
Klamath First Federal Savings and Loan
~~~~~~~~ L ~~~~~~~~
L&H Associates - billing service
Langlois Market
Langlois Public Library
Laughing Baskets Studio
Howard Lichtig - law offices
John Lincoln - CPA
Mary O. Loan - accounting service
Logik Solutions
QUICK FACTS and LINKS (clicking will open a new window)
Area code: 541 City data 10-Day WEATHER
County: Curry City of Port Orford Chamber of Commerce
All Businesses
A listing or membership in the Oregon Coast Business Network does not imply endorsement by OCBN or by Rising Starr Enterprises.
~~~~~~~~ M ~~~~~~~~
M.O.L. Inc.
Madrona 101 RV Park
Maintenance Service Specialist
Martlet West
McNair's True Value Hardware
Midden Meadows - produce grower
Myers Woodworks
~~~~~~~~ N ~~~~~~~~
NC Electronics - NAPA
'Neath the Wind Realty
New You Beauty Boutique
Nor Cal Seafood
Now and Then Port Orford Mercantile
~~~~~~~~ O ~~~~~~~~
Omniturn - West
Oregon Coast Business Network - it's where you're at!
The most inclusive directory of Oregon coast businesses
Oregon Coast Hypnotherapy
Oregon Pump and Equipment
Oregon Wreath
~~~~~~~~ P ~~~~~~~~
Pacific High School
Pampered Pooches
Paradise Cafe
Paradise Excavation and Construction
Parker Medical Service
Paula's Bistro
Pitches Tavern
Port Orford Apartments
Port Orford Arts Council
Port Orford Breadwork Trattoria
Port Orford Community Ambulance
Port Orford Discount Drug
Port Orford Engineering
Port Orford Family Dentistry
Port Orford Funeral Services
Port Orford Garage
Port Orford Glass and Screen
Port Orford Heritage
Port Orford Inn
Port Orford Inn Coffee House
Port Orford / Langlois Public School District
Port Orford Library
Port Orford Lifeboat Station
Port Orford Liquor Store
Port Orford Ocean Resources Group
Port Orford Press & News
Port Orford RV Village
Port Orford Senior Center
Port Orford Visitors' Center
Port Orford Water Department
Port of Port Orford
Port and Starboard Restaurant and Lounge
Prehistoric Gardens
~~~~~~~~ Q ~~~~~~~~
Quilter's Corner
~~~~~~~~ R ~~~~~~~~
R&L Repair
Rachel Keeler Photography
Ray's Food Place - groceries
Rick Cook Gallery
Rising Starr Enterprises - web design & digital promotion Voicemail: 541-992-4434
Roaring Sea Arts
Rogue River Mail Boat Hydro Jet
Rural Community Assistance
Ruscello House - restaurant
~~~~~~~~ S ~~~~~~~~
Salsa Rita's
Savoy Theatre
Sea Breeze Florist
Sea Crest Motel
Sea Wind Farms
Seaweed Natural Grocery & Cafe
Sejlund Farrier Service
Shell - gasoline
Shell Shack
Shining Sea Acupuncture Clinic
Shoreberry Farms
Shoreline Motel
Siskiyou Coast Realty
Sixes River Land Company
Sixes River Peddler
Sixes Trucking and Excavating
South Coast Drilling
South Coast Exterminating
South Coast Radio
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Stay by the Sea - B&B .
Steelblue Chameleon Lodge
Sterling Savings Bank
Swenson Manufacturing
~~~~~~~~ T ~~~~~~~~
That Bird Store
Timeworn Treasures
James Tronson - architect
~~~~~~~~ U ~~~~~~~~
Union 76
Uptown Frames
~~~~~~~~ V ~~~~~~~~
Vagabond House Adult Living
Van Wormer Service - gas station
Village Antiques
Visitor Mags
~~~~~~~~ W ~~~~~~~~
Wahl-3 - ranch
Western Builders Supply
Wheelhouse Restaurant
Whole Scoop - ice cream parlor
Wild Horse Salon
Wildspring Guest Habitat
William H Smith Trucking
The Wooden Nickel
~~~~~~~~ XYZ ~~~~~~~~
Zia Dream Homes