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 Questions and Answers


OCBN Q&A (aka FAQ)

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please click here to write or visit us on Facebook.

About The Business
  • What do the initials "OCBN" stand for?

  • What is the Oregon Coast Business Network?

  • What is the purpose?

  • We already have a web page. How would a membership in your network be helpful?

  • My business doesn't need design services at this time. But can we have a link from your site?

  • What's the benefit to business owners?

  • What if I want more than one page?

  • I don't have computer access. How could this work?

  • There's a lot of people who design web sites. Why choose you?


Site Questions
  • What makes the OCBN Directory different from others?

  • Why do you have a "Notice to Web Designers, Publishers, et al" on the community pages?

  • What are your sources of information?



About the Business

What do the initials "OCBN" stand for?

Oregon Coast Business Network. You can look it up at


What is the Oregon Coast Business Network?

The OCBN is the most inclusive, easy-to-use online directory of Oregon coast businesses; we attempt to list every business on their respective community pages, and a link to their Facebook page if we know about it.


What is the purpose?

  1. To be the "go-to" place on the web for finding Oregon coast businesses; a free resource for residents, visitors, and business entities.

  2. To promote Oregon coast businesses.

  3. To provide low-cost effective web design services.


This network can provide a means for potential customers to locate and get quick information about a business on our coast. Also, many existing publications are geared toward visitors, tourists, vacationers, and recreational residents. While they will find this site helpful to them, it's mostly geared toward our coastal full-time residents.


We already have a web page. How would a membership in your network be helpful?

  1. Your OCBN web page provides a valuable link to your website.

  2. Since it is a network, the more members there are, the more traffic will come to the site, and thus yours.

  3. Your page on the Network is a simple-to-navigate, simple to read page, easily printed out if your customer wants to keep your information handy. Most websites are not designed with this function in mind.

  4. More than web page design, you also get listed in the monthly newsletter that is mailed to all Network members, and others. In this way, your business gets more than internet exposure.


My business doesn't need design services at this time. But can we have a link from your site?

Links to Facebook pages are FREE from community pages. However, the exposure is only helpful if people know the name of your business. Enhanced Link Membership creates much greater exposure for your business. The $100 yearly fee will link your business by type, member list (especially for members who want to support other members), list of locations, and category list from the community pages (Lincoln City used for this example).


What's the benefit to business owners?

  1. Up-to-date webpage. You can contact us at any time to have simple edits made, or to update a photo and other information.

  2. Trouble-free. Business owners don't have to find, design, and pay for a website if what they need will work on just one page.

  3. Saves time - and everyone knows time = money, especially in business.


What if I want more than one page?

We can do that! Several flexible plans are available. Our Joining Info page should answer your questions. If not, contact us and we'll be happy to discuss your needs and options.


I don't have computer access. How could this work?

Not a problem; you may not be "online" yet, but your business can be! The phone number and any other contact information you want will be on your business's page. An email address is not necessary (though it is recommended). We can send you a hard copy of your page any time changes are made, so that you have it for your records or correction. You may not be on the internet, but most consumers are. Don't be left behind!


There's a lot of people who design web sites. Why choose you?

  1. Rising Starr Enterprises is a full-service designer. From hosting to maintenance, you can be worry-free.

  2. We believe in promoting our clients, so you're getting marketing services too.

  3. We won't just design your page and leave you out there. We will keep it appealing so that people will come to it more than twice. It isn't enough to have a site --- it must be viable (that is, with accurate changes and up-to-date information).

  4. We give special attention to grammar and punctuation, which makes you look more professional.

  5. Cost-effective - Not only do we design web pages, we can provide services from photography to social media promotions.


Oregon Coast Businesses Should Stand OUT, Not Alone


Site Questions

What makes the OCBN Directory different from others?

There are many directories on the web, focused on the Oregon coast. But most have several limitations, and here's a rundown of the main differences between "them and us":

THEM: Focus is usually on just the tourism industries: hotels, restaurants, etc.

OCBN: We include all businesses, from eateries to landscapers, anyone you may need.


THEM: Showcase only their own clients

OCBN: We'll connect anybody who does business on or for the Oregon coast.


Why do you have a "Notice to Web Designers, Publishers, et al" on the community pages?

The compilation and maintenance of the directory takes untold hours of research, using myriad resources, both online and off. The OCBN is a copyright-protected intellectual property. Professional designers and publishers know that it is theft to copy the content of another site, but as we know, not everyone on the web is professional or ethical. There is a faux business listed on each community page to provide proof if such theft occurs. In that event, Rising Starr Enterprises, LLC will take legal action. We hope this will not be necessary.


However, you are allowed to print out the directory for your own use. If you have any question about whether the use you have in mind is allowed, please ask us! Write to us and we will be happy to answer any questions.


What are your sources of information?

We use many sources to compile our info, some of which are listed below. Obviously, a lot of time is put into making this the most complete and accurate business directory for the Oregon coast. If you see a site that appears to be copying our directory, please let us know so it can be checked, to make sure it isn't infringing on our copyrights. However, it's an insurmountable task to keep it up-to-date without input. Therefore, we have a Facebook group page to share information such as new businesses, relocations, businesses that close, etc. Become a group member to stay "in the know"!


Oregon Labor Market Information System        Telephone books

Personal knowledge                            News stories

Business networking                           Social media

Requests for inclusion                        Site visitor requests & referrals

Chambers of Commerce                          Online searches

Advertisements                                Drive-bys!


Isn't it nice that someone puts it all together? You're welcome!

Rising Starr Enterprises  |  copyright 2002-2025

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